Научно-просветительский центр “Байкал“
БиблиотекаПубликацияНазвание: THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PHASE EQUILIBRIA IN SIMPLE MINERAL SYSTEMS Автор(ы): Robert С. Newton Аннотация: Knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of minerals has become of great importance in prediction of the physical and chemical conditions of the formation of mineral assemblages and as a guide to the synthesis of minerals. The three major sources of information are thermochemical and thermophysical measurements, derivation from experimental phase equilibrium data at elevated temperatures and pressures, and attempted reproduction of the expected temperatures and pressures of natural assemblages, under the assumption of "frozen-in" equilibrium (method of paragenetic analysis). All of these methods have made important contributions to the body of thermodynamic data, and comparison of results from the three independent sources is valuable in cross-checking, systemization and extending of the data sets. Библиографическое описание: THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PHASE EQUILIBRIA IN SIMPLE MINERAL SYSTEMS/ Robert С. Newton Тип публикации: монография Загрузить документ CARMICHAEL_Thermodynamic_Modeling_.pdf (44.03 Mb) Комментарии (стр.)
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