Научно-просветительский центр “Байкал“
БиблиотекаПубликацияНазвание: Температурный режим и развитие фитопланктона в пелагиали Байкала Автор(ы): Л. Р. Изместьева Аннотация: Seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll a content during the period of open water is determined by two primary factors – water temperature and nutrients content, the latter determined by vertical mixing intensity. When the weather is mainly still and winds from North–East are predominant (2002) the warming of water is gradual, the number of algae growth proportionally to water temperature, nutrients content in euphotic layer gradually decreases and nutrients became limiting factor. When the North–West winds are predominant (2003), constant mixing of surface layer provides nutrients income from deeper layers to euphotic zone. Dynamics of chlorophyll a content also follows temperature dynamics but, total content of chlorophyll a is higher than in 2002 due to lack of nutrients limitation. Библиографическое описание: Изместьева, Л. Р. Температурный режим и развитие фитопланктона в пелагиали Байкала / Л. Р. Изместьева // Экосистемы и природные ресурсы горных стран. – Новосибирск: Наука, 2004. – С. 82-86. Тип публикации: статья Загрузить документ Izmest_04.doc (0.13 Mb) (стр.)
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