
НПЦ «Байкал»

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Трёхмерная модель
озера Байкал

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О Байкале

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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

Проекты Учебные курсы Библиотека Конференции, семинары Конкурсы



Название: The current problems of Lake Baikal ecosystem conservation

Автор(ы): O. M. Kozhova, E. A. Silow

Аннотация: The greatest world reservoir of fresh water, the unique Lake Baikal, is at risk from anthropogenic influence. Three stages of economic activity in the lake region can be distinguished: (i) poor economic uses, (ii) increase of economic uses after the construction of the hydropower station dam on the outflow of the lake, and (iii) intensive increase of economic activity, characterized by the intensive use of mineral fertilizers, transportation, log rafting, growth of population around Baikal, mass development of tourism, the construction of the Baikal-Amur railroad and pulp combines. Chemical and biological pollution of the lake, fishing and hunting, the state of coasts and protected areas are discussed. The regions most affected are listed. The greater long-term influence is an increase in the mineralization of tributary waters due to forest cutting and land cultivation. Though the influence does not cause a decline in water quality, the properties of the Baikalian water in local sites of pollution can significantly differ from their initial state. The quality of water, however, is within the limits of requirements for fresh drinking water.

Библиографическое описание: нет

Тип публикации: статья

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