Научно-просветительский центр “Байкал“
БиблиотекаПубликацияНазвание: Long Term Dynamics of Lake Baikal Pelagic Phytoplankton under Climate Change Автор(ы): L. R. Izmest’eva, E. A. Silow, and E. Litchman Аннотация: The effect that climate change in the Lake Baikal region has on the state of the lake plankton is discussed. The increase in water temperature in the photic layer and chlorophyll a content during direct stratification is demonstrated with the use of a database containing the results of plankton observations from 1951 to 2000. The number of small-cell algae belonging to the summer complex seems to increase, while the number of endemic large cell algae developing under the ice is characterized by negative trends. Библиографическое описание: Izmest’eva L.R. Long-Term Dynamics of Lake Baikal Pelagic Phytoplankton under Climate Change / L. R. Izmest’eva, E. A. Silow, and E. Litchman // Inland Water Biology. – 2011. – Vol. 4, No. 3. – P. 301–307. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011. ISSN 1995_0829 Тип публикации: статья Загрузить документ Izmestyeva_et_al_2011.pdf (0.24 Mb) Комментарии (стр.)
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