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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Изучение палеоклимата для прогноза изменения окружающей среды


Название: Estimation of runoff distribution within river systems: Application to the Lena Basin (Siberia)

Автор(ы): N. Kosheleva, E. Karabanov, A. Kositskiy, D. Williams, S. Armstrong

Аннотация: A channel account approach is proposed to estimate longitudinal changes in runoff along large river systems. This new method provides a quantitative basis for describing the fluvial transport of suspended particulate material and dissolved substances. This method includes an evaluation of basic elements of water balance in separate sections of the river network and subsequent correction of channel accounting equations for the entire system using a maximum likelihood principle. To calculate water discharges of tributaries that have no hydrological information, structural analysis of river network is performed. This approach provides less error in comparison with traditional methods of estimating lateral inflow. The method is used to trace water discharge with increasing distance along the Lena river basin and to evaluate the contribution of geologically and lithologically uneven subbasins in water discharge formation during a summer low water period.

Библиографическое описание: Journal of Geochemical Exploration xx (2005) xxx–xxx

Тип публикации: статья

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