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Название: Thermodynamic properties of cryogenic fluids

Автор(ы): Richard Т Jacobsen, Steven 0. Penoncello, and Eric W. Lemmon

Аннотация: This book is intended to provide the practicing engineer and interested scientist with the most accurate information available on the thermo-dynamic properties of cryogenic fluids. It may also be useful to universities and colleges as a supplementary reference text for elective courses in cryogenic engineering or engineering systems analysis that study systems using cryogens as the working fluids. Much of the material presented here is the result of a long-term continuing research effort in the Center for Applied Thermodynamic Studies (CATS) at the University of Idaho. While some of the thermodynamic property formulations presented here are the work of CATS staif, many have been developed and published by others. Numerical changes have been made to convert all of the correlations to a single form for ease of computation. We have included the most accurate available formulation for each fluid, realizing that some of those included will be superseded in the future. We do not apologize for this circumstance, for it is the nature of this rapidly changing, dynamic field that both experimental methods and correlations improve with time. Fortunately most new works extend the ranges of prior research or correct relatively minor errors in numerical models (e.g., near the critical point), and generally tend to verify the values given by models of the quality of those presented here.

Библиографическое описание: Thermodynamic properties of cryogenic fluids / Richard Т Jacobsen, Steven 0. Penoncello, and Eric W. Lemmon. - Plenum Press, New York A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation. - 1997 ISBN 0-306-45522-6

Тип публикации: монография

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