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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Изучение палеоклимата для прогноза изменения окружающей среды


Название: СТС: Chemical Thermodynamic Computation Sуstem

Автор(ы): Harumi Yokokawa, Masао Fujishige, Seiichi Ujiie and Masayuki Dokiya.

Аннотация: The Cheraical Thernodynamic Computation(CTC) System has been designed and constructed to facilitate the application of the chemical thermodynamic considerations to practical problems in metallurgy and materials science. This system consists mainly of three subsystems, that is, database, calculation facilities, and utilities for editing and analyzing thernodynamic data: The CTC database contains the thermodynamic functions at 298 К and high temperature heat capacities with information of transitions for mainly inorganic compounds. The subsystem, SOLGASM1X/IPF, provides facilities for chemical equilibria which combine the database with SOLGASM1X program written by G. Eriksson; to «lake the system as user-freindly as possible, full screen menus have been adopted for input/output. The subsystem, OEDIT, provides facilities for treating ther-modynamic data to help users to obtain theraodynanic information not included in the database.

Библиографическое описание: СТС: Chemical Thermodynamic Computation Sуstem. Harumi Yokokawa, Masао Fujishige, Seiichi Ujiie and Masayuki Dokiya.

Тип публикации: монография

Загрузить документ YOKOKAWA-1988.pdf (13.55 Mb)

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