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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Изучение палеоклимата для прогноза изменения окружающей среды


Название: Petroleum, oil field waters, and authigenic mineral assemblages: Are they in metastable equilibrium in hydrocarbon reservoirs?

Автор(ы): Harold C. Helgeson, Annette M. Knox, Christine E. Owens, And Everett L. Sноск

Аннотация: Although the presence of carboxylic acids and carboxylate anions in oil field waters is commonly attributed to the thermal maturation of kerogen or bacterial degradation of hydrocarbons during water-washing of petroleum in relatively shallow reservoirs, they may have also been produced in deeper reservoirs by the hydrolysis of hydrocarbons in petroleum at the oil-water interface. To test this hypothesis, calculations were carried out to determine the distribution of species with the minimum Gibbs free energy in overpressured oil field waters in the Texas Gulf Coast assuming metastable equilibrium among calcite, albite, and a representative spectrum of organic and inorganic aqueous species at reservoir temperatures and pressures. The cohort of waters chosen for this purpose was restricted to include only those for which analyses reported in the literature list separately analytical concentrations of both organic and inorganic carbon. These values were specified in the Gibbs free energy minimization calculations to constrain the fugacity of oxygen (fo2(g)))

Библиографическое описание: Petroleum, oil field waters, and authigenic mineral assemblages: Are they in metastable equilibrium in hydrocarbon reservoirs? / Harold C. Helgeson, Annette M. Knox, Christine E. Owens, And Everett L. Sноск - Geochimica el Cosmoctiitnica Ada Vol. 57, pp. 3295-3339

Тип публикации: статья

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