Научно-просветительский центр “Байкал“
Научно-образовательные проектыИзучение палеоклимата для прогноза изменения окружающей средыПубликацияНазвание: Invited lecture: Geochemistry of hydrothermal ecosystems Автор(ы): Everett L. Shock, Jan R Amend, Gavin W.Chan Аннотация: Microbially-mediated redox reactions involving organic and inorganic constituents of hot springs and hydrothermal systems can be integrated into geochemical models of hydrothermal processes through thermodynamic analysis. Incomplete oxidation of organic compounds coupled to sulfate reduction, for example, can be quantified by considering the effects of stoichiometry on the overall Gibbs free energy of reaction. Analyses of organic acids and other compounds in hydrothermal fluids from Vulcano, Yellowstone, Iceland, and elsewhere permit evaluation of the energy available for heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms, and estimates of the biomass supported by geochemical processes. This approach also allows the prediction of unknown metabolic processes, and assists in the development of growth media suited to hydrothermal environments. Библиографическое описание: Invited lecture: Geochemistry of hydrothermal ecosystems / Everett L. Shock, Jan R Amend, Gavin W.Chan - Geochemistry ofthe Earth's Surface, Armannsson(ed)© 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 073 6 Тип публикации: статья Загрузить документ SHOCK_AMEND_CHAN_1999.pdf (0.87 Mb) |
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