
НПЦ «Байкал»

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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Исследование структуры и эволюции экосистем водоемов Байкальского региона


Название: Principles and Results of Ecological Monitoring of Lake Baikal

Автор(ы): O. M. Kozhova, E. A. Silow

Аннотация: Ecological monitoring means control, analysis and prognosis of ecosystem state under the anthropogenous influence. The main methods used for it are (1) field observations and experiments and (2) laboratory experiments. Field observations are the principal way of monitoring. Institute of Biology fulfils observations on the lake Baikal in three ways: (1) collecting and analysing the samples of plankton at constant point every ten days since 1946; (2) collecting and analysis of samples of plankton around the whole lake every year; (3) complex sampling in the region of Baikal Pulp and Paper Combine. The main principles of ecological monitoring, the Institute uses are: (1) long - term complex field observations covering all the principal components of ecosystem around all the lake; (2) the use of parameters reflecting ecosystem structure and functioning as totality; (3) the use of fast methods allowing to map out spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of the main ecosystem components; (4) creation of real prognoses of ecosystem behaviour grounded on data bases of long - term dynamics of its components, field experiments and realistic mathematical modelling. The stages of economic activity in the lake region are characterised; the sites most affected are listed. Various kinds of economic impact are discussed.

Библиографическое описание: Kozhova O. M. Principles and Results of Ecological Monitoring of Lake Baikal / O. M. Kozhova, E. A. Silow // Partnerships for Sustainable Life in Lake Environments. – Otsu, Japan, 2001. – Vol. 5. – P. 532–536.

Тип публикации: статья

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