
НПЦ «Байкал»

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Трёхмерная модель
озера Байкал

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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Исследование структуры и эволюции экосистем водоемов Байкальского региона


Название: Численное моделирование гидротермодинамических процессов и переноса примесей в стратифицированных озерах

Автор(ы): В.К.Аргучинцев, А.В.Аргучинцева

Аннотация: V. K. Arguchintsev, A. V. Arguchintseva Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia NUMERICAL IMITATION OF HYDROTHERMODYNAMIC PROCESSES AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT IN STRATIFIED LAKES Mathematical modeling of hydro–thermodynamic processes in lakes and reservoirs has both theoretical interest as well as practical importance to solve applied tasks in hydrology, meteorol-ogy, and ecology. Models based on quasi static approximation are widely used to descript hy-drophysical fields in the lakes. Non–hydrostatic, non–stationary three–dimensional non–linear model descripting flows, temperature and density fields in lakes and reservoirs is proposed. Model takes into account bottom relief and uses equation connecting pressure, temperature and density. Systems of differential equations include equations of movement, spatial continuity and for temperature. Hydrodynamic system of equation is solved numerically with the use of fiction regions method. The system created filter fast processes non–sufficient for large–scale hydrody-namic processes. The results of dominant water flows in the upper layers of the lake Baikal dur-ing ice–free season calculations are presented. Movement velocities and turbulence characteris-tics found on the basis of model are used to imitate contaminant transport from Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Combine in Southern Baikal through. The use of complete equation of the state with mineralization taken into account allowed imitating density currents in vicinity of geothermal hot wells in Northern Baikal. The model proposed can be applied to solve various ecological prob-lems, when detailed hydrological descriptions are necessary.

Библиографическое описание: Аргучинцев, В.К. Численное моделирование гидротермодинамических процессов и переноса примесей в стратифицированных озерах / В.К.Аргучинцев, А.В.Аргучинцева // Экосистемы и природные ресурсы горных стран. – Новосибирск: Наука, 2004. – С. 11-22.

Тип публикации: статья

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