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Исследование структуры и эволюции экосистем водоемов Байкальского региона


Название: Dissolved Humic Substances. Part 2: Interactions with Organisms.

Автор(ы): Christian E.W. Steinberg, Thomas Meinelt, Maxim A. Timofeyev, Michal Bittner, Ralph Menzel1

Аннотация: Goal, Scope and Background. Freshwater bodies which chemistry is dominated by dissolved humic substances (HS) seem to be the major type on Earth, due to huge non-calcareous geological formations in the Northern Hemisphere and in the tropics. Based on the paradigm of the inertness of being organic, direct interactions of dissolved HS with freshwater organisms are mostly neglected. However, dissolved organic carbon, the majority of which being HS, are natural environmental chemicals and should therefore directly interact with organisms. Major results that widened our perspective on humic substance ecology come from experiments with the compost nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, which behaved contradictorily to textbook knowledge and provoked an in-depth re-consideration of some paradigms.

Библиографическое описание: Christian E.W. Steinberg, Thomas Meinelt, Maxim A. Timofeyev, Michal Bittner, Ralph Menzel. Dissolved Humic Substances. Part 2: Interactions with Organisms.

Тип публикации: статья

Загрузить документ 3-2007-ESPR-II.pdf (0.61 Mb)

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