Научно-просветительский центр “Байкал“
Научно-образовательные проектыИсследование структуры и эволюции экосистем водоемов Байкальского регионаПубликацияНазвание: The present state of the lake Baikal contamination Автор(ы): E.A. Silow Аннотация: The data on the current state of the lake Baikal contamination are given. The ways of pollutants input into the lake are analysed. Lake Baikal now is endangered due to chemical pollution with domestic sewage and industrial wastewater input from the catchments area, due to atmospheric transport of hazardous compounds, coasts erosion due to water level fluctuations. Some necessary measures for the lake protection are proposed. Библиографическое описание: Silow, E.A. The present state of the lake Baikal contamination / E.A. Silow // Ecotechnology in Environmental Protection & Fresh Water Lake Management. - PaiChai University Press, Taejon, 2000. - P. 105-110. Тип публикации: статья Загрузить документ KOREA_SILOW.DOC (0.08 Mb) |
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