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Трёхмерная модель
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Научно-просветительский центр Байкал

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Научно-образовательные проекты

Исследование структуры и эволюции экосистем водоемов Байкальского региона


Название: The study of exergy and structural exergy dynamics in lake Baikal plankton (1951-1999)

Автор(ы): MOKRY Andrew, SILOW Eugene

Аннотация: Exergy is defined as the distance between present state of the system and the state of it in thermodynamic equilibrium with the environment, measured in the units of energy. It demonstrates the amount of work performed to create given system from its primary components (in the case of ecological systems - from primary chemical compounds). Exergy related to the total biomass (structural, specific or normalized exergy) measures the possibility of ecosystem to accept and utilize external fluxes of energy. It reflects the degree of ecosystem development or complexity and has such advantages in comparison with the total exergy as independence from the total biomass of the ecosystem and possibility to serve as indicator, demonstrating the level of evolutionary development of organisms the ecosystem consists of. Previously it was recommended to use structural exergy in environmental monitoring as holistic and quantitative parameter, reflecting the ecosystem state and reversibility of anthropogenic changes. We have analysed the dynamic of exergy of Baikal plankton (calculated on the basis of exergy of phytoplankton and zooplankton) for 1951-1999 for the upper trophogenic layer, determining the functioning of the lake ecosystem. The total exergy demonstrates clearly seen positive trend. The dynamics of structural exergy, however, does not demonstrate any trends, indicating the safe and stable state of the Baikal ecosystem.

Библиографическое описание: Mokry A. The study of exergy and structural exergy dynamics in lake Baikal plankton (1951 - 1999) / A. Mokry, E. Silow // 13th World Lake Conference. 2009. http://lake.baikal.ru/ru/library/publication.html?action=show&id=641

Тип публикации: статья

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