31. | Author(s): Maxim A. Timofeyev, Zhanna M. Shatilina, Aleksey V. Kolesnichenko, Darya S. Bedulina, Viktoria V. Kolesnichenko, Stephan Pflugmacher, Christian E.W. Steinberg Bibliographical description: Maxim A. Timofeyev, Zhanna M. Shatilina, Aleksey V. Kolesnichenko, Darya S. Bedulina, Viktoria V. Kolesnichenko, Stephan Pflugmacher, Christian E.W. Steinberg. Natural organic matter (NOM) induces oxidative stress in freshwater amphipods Gammarus lacustris Sars and Gammarus tigrinus (Sexton). - Science of the Total Environment 366 (2006) 673–681. |
32. | Author(s): M. A. Timofeyev Bibliographical description: M. A. Timofeyev. On the role of adaptive abilities in the distribution of endemic amphipods from Lake Baikal. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28 1–3 Stuttgart, August 2002. |
33. | Author(s): E. A. Silow, V. A. Baturin, D. J. Stom Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Prediction of Lake Baikal ecosystem behaviour using an ecosystem disturbance model / E. A. Silow, V. A. Baturin, D. J. Stom // Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management. – 2001. – Vol. 6, N 1. – P. 33–36. |
34. | Author(s): O. M. Kozhova, E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Kozhova O. M. Principles and Results of Ecological Monitoring of Lake Baikal / O. M. Kozhova, E. A. Silow // Partnerships for Sustainable Life in Lake Environments. – Otsu, Japan, 2001. – Vol. 5. – P. 532–536. |
35. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Quantitative Ecology: Competition and Predation / E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |
36. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Quantitative Ecology: Complex Ecosystem Modelling / E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |
37. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Quantitative Ecology: Ecosystem Management / E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |
38. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Quantitative Ecology: Exponential Growth / E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |
39. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E.A. Quantitative Ecology: Introduction to Quantitative Ecology/ E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |
40. | Author(s): E. A. Silow Bibliographical description: Silow E. A. Quantitative Ecology: Population Ecology/ E. A. Silow. - REC Baikal, 2007. |