Research-Educational Center “Baikal“
LibraryPublicationTitle: Thermodynamic Model for the C–H System under Elevated Temperatures and Pressures Author(s): V. S. Zubkov, A. N. Stepanov, I. K. Karpov, and V. A. Bychinskii Annotation: A special program of studies was carried out to determine the equilibrium component composition of hydrocarbon systems under elevated temperatures and pressures ( T °, C ≤ 2327, P ≤ 228 kbar). The model for the C–H system confirms the conclusion made by E.B. Chekalyuk as long agoas the 1960s that heavy hydrocarbons and methane can be stable in the upper mantle and lithosphere, respectively. Transformations of heavy hydrocarbons into methane occur near the diamond–graphite phase boundary. Geobarotherm–C/H mole ratio plots comprise the fields diamond + fluid (H/C < 2.1), graphite + fluid (2.1 ≤ H/C ≤ 4), and a monophase field of hydrocarbon fluid. Bibliographical description: Geochemistry International, Vol. 36, No. 1, 1998, pp. 85–90. Translated from Geokhimiya, No. 1, 1998, pp. 95–101. Publication's type: статья Upload GEOI85.pdf (0.09 Mb) |
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