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Title: Calculated Volume and Pressure Changes During the Thermal Cracking of Oil to Gas in Reservoirs

Author(s): Colin Barker

Annotation: The rising temperature that accompanied increasing burial depth converts oil in a reservoir inlo thermal gas. A consideration of hydrogen balance during this cracking shows that approximately 3000 ft3 (85 m3) of gas (at standard temperature and pressure) is generated from each barrel of oil. In addition, a graphitic residue is precipitated. If the volume relationships among oil, termal gas, and the graphitic residue are combine with data for gas solubility in pore water and gas nonideality (Z factor), then pressure can be calculated for any degree of thermal cracking. These calculations show that in an effectively isolated system, pressures would become high and could considerably exceed the 144- к load so that fracturing must occur causing pressure bleed off and loss of gas. The lithostatic gradient (1.0 psi or 22.6 kPa/m) is reached after only about 1.0% of the oil is cracked. If the reservoir system remains open (i.e. hydrostatic pressure) and is initially filled with oil, subsequently cracked to gas, then roughly 25% gas will be lost or the reservoir volume must effectively increase in size, for example, by moving the contact downward.

Bibliographical description: Calculated Volume and Pressure Changes During the Thermal Cracking of Oil to Gas in Reservoirs,,Colin Barker. - The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin V. 74, No. 8 (August 1990), P. 1254-1261, 5 Figs.

Publication's type: статья

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