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Title: Использование эксэргии для оценки здоровья водных экологических систем

Author(s): Е.А.Зилов

Annotation: E. A. Silow Scientific Research Institute of Biology at Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia AQUATIC ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS HEALTH ASSESSMENT WITH THE USE OF EXERGY Several parameters used in the modern ecology as ecological system state or health indices are discussed. Exergy is selected among goal functions as it has good theoretical basis both in ther-modynamics and information theory, and it can be calculated with relatively simple method. Ma-terials on exergy and structural exergy changes in experiments with aquatic model ecosystems (according to literature and original data) are presented. Values of exergy and structural exergy for communities in pure region and region of Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Combine waste waters discharge are calculated. Analysis of results proves the possibility of structural exergy use as ecosystem health index. Sufficient decrease of it points to negative changes of aquatic ecosys-tem.

Bibliographical description: Зилов, Е.А. Использование эксэргии для оценки здоровья водных экологических систем / Е.А. Зилов // Экосистемы и природные ресурсы горных стран. – Новосибирск: Наука, 2004. – С. 22-40.

Publication's type: статья

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