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Title: Chemical properties handbook : physical, thermodynamic, environmental, transport, safety, and health related properties for organic and inorganic chemicals

Author(s): Carl L. Yaws

Annotation: Information contained in this work has been obtained by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ("McGraw-Hill") from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither McGraw-Hill nor its authors guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein and neither McGraw-Hill nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that McGraw-Hill and its authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.

Bibliographical description: Chemical properties handbook: physical, thermodynamic, environmental, transport, safety, and health related properties for organic and inorganic chemicals / Carl L. Yaws. ISBN 0-07-073401-1

Publication's type: монография

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