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Title: On the role of adaptive abilities in the distribution of endemic amphipods from Lake Baikal

Author(s): M. A. Timofeyev

Annotation: The fauna of Lake Baikal is represented by two different groups of hydrobionts. The first consists of endemic Baikalian species, and the second is composed of Siberian and cosmopolitan species. Baikalian species are widely distributed throughout the lake, except in some shallow bays, where the Siberian species are abundantly present. Because of their localization in the lake, these two faunas never mix. Baikalian endemics are distributed only in Lake Baikal and, occasionally, in the single out-flowing River Angara. The factors restricting the mixing of the two faunas and the distribution of Baikalian endemics from Lake Baikal are not clear at present. Temperature and oxygen are very important factors influencing hydrobionts. Despite the importance of these factors on the hydrobionts of Baikal, their effects have not been investigated sufficiently. The study of the hydrobiont response to these factors may help to explain the distribution phenomenon. Amphipods from Lake Baikal and other Siberian water bodies are of great interest in assessing the influence of environmental factors on hydrobionts. The biodiversity of this group in Lake Baikal is extremely rich. More than 257 species are present in the lake, but a few of them are found in the single out-flowing river system (River Angara–River Enisey). With regard to this problem, experimental research with Baikalian endemic gammarids was conducted. The resistance of some endemic amphipods to heating and hypoxia was studied.

Bibliographical description: M. A. Timofeyev. On the role of adaptive abilities in the distribution of endemic amphipods from Lake Baikal. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28 1–3 Stuttgart, August 2002.

Publication's type: статья

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