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Title: Can acclimation of amphipods change their antioxidative response?

Author(s): Maxim A. Timofeyev, Marina Protopopova, Vasiliy Pavlichenko, Christian E. W. Steinberg

Annotation: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether experimental conditions, particularly duration of acclimation in the laboratory with artificial water and diet prior to the actual experiment, can affect the antioxidant response of amphipods. This issue was evaluated using the Baikalian amphipod Eulimnogammarus cyaneus (Dyb.) exposed to two sources of natural organic matter (NOM). NOM elicits several oxidative stress symptoms and we used peroxidase activity as a representative response parameter. Pretest acclimation periods of the amphipods lasted from 3 days to 5 months. The exposure of E. cyaneus to NOM resulted in significant modulation of the peroxidase activity with a clear dependence on the duration of the acclimation period. Animals experiencing short-term acclimation showed reduced activity, whereas long-term acclimated animals exhibited an increase in peroxidase activity. We suggest that this difference was due to laboratory conditions particularly the artificial diet. This fact should be considered in future studies using field-collected animals kept in the laboratory for different periods of time.

Bibliographical description: Maxim A. Timofeyev, Marina Protopopova, Vasiliy Pavlichenko, Christian E. W. Steinberg. Can acclimation of amphipods change their antioxidative response?

Publication's type: статья

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