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Title: Logic Programming in Knowledge Domains

Author(s): Andrei Mantsivoda, Vladimir Lipovchenko, Anton Malykh

Annotation: We propose an approach to combining logic programming and knowledge representation paradigms. This approach is based on the conception of description terms. LP and KR are integrated in such a way that their underlying logics are carefully separated. A core idea here is to push the KR techniques on the functional level. On the LP level the knowledge base is considered as a constraint store, in which special propagation methods are ruling. ANCC calculus that handles description terms is developed as an underlying inference system for propagation. On the basis of this formalism, a constraint logic programming language integrating both LP and KR approaches is designed.

Bibliographical description: Logic Programming in Knowledge Domains / Andrei Mantsivoda, Vladimir Lipovchenko, Anton Malykh // ICLP 2006, LNCS 4079 - 0451.

Publication's type: статья

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