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Title: Long-term dynamics of Baikal zooplankton and climate change

Author(s): PISLEGINA Elena, SILOW Eugene

Annotation: Long-term dynamics of baikalian zooplankton is studied. Average weighted number of Epischura baicalensis Sars. during the last 27 years was fluctuating by the factor of 4.0 – from 307.5±49.7 till 1274,0±435,6•103 specimen m-2 with long-term average of 600,8.0±39.0•103 specimen m-2. The interannual dynamics of Epischura number is oscillatory without linear. Both temperature changes as well as complex interrelations between phyto- and zooplankton were supposed to be the possible causes of interannual variability of baikalian zooplankton. The temperature preference of colder water layers for Epischura was generally accepted by the most researchers. Our data are in contradiction with this assumption. The analysis of Epischura number dependency on temperature for the whole data body for 1981–2007 demonstrated the positive linear regression. According to our results the temperature of the water is one of the factors determining (directly or intermediately) the number of Epischura in 0-50 m water layer. Average weighted number of Cyclops kolensis Lill. varied by the factor of 113 – from 3.5±1.3 till 397.6±138.7•103 specimen m-2 with long-term average of 63.7±16.7•103 specimen m-2. Long-term observation after the number of Cyclops produce statistically non significant positive trend with R2=0,08. We have analyzed the dependence of Cyclops number from the water temperature for 0–50 m layer for 1981–2007. Comparing the temperature dependencies for Epischura and for Cyclops we see higher level of significance for Cyclops dependence from temperature. It means that temperature influences Cyclops number stronger than Epischura one.

Bibliographical description: Pislegina E. Long-term dynamics of Baikal zooplankton and climate change / E. Pislegina, E. Silow // 13th World Lake Conference.2009.

Publication's type: статья

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