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Title: Long-term dynamics of diatom alga of lake Baikal phytoplankton

Author(s): MOKRY Adrey, KOBANOVA Galina, SILOW Eugene

Annotation: We have analyzed the upper layer of lake Baikal (0-50 m) for the period 1951-1999. For 1973-1999 average share of diatoms in total plankton phytomass varied from 23 % (1978) to 78 % (1976) with long term average 48 % and median 44 %. There is no linear trend for diatom algae share dynamics, but there is U-shaped well expressed parabolic trend with R2=0,48. Minimal share of diatoms was observed 1984-1987 (from 25 % in 1986 to 32 % in 1987) with average 28 %. Starting from 1997 yearly average share of diatoms increases, reaching 72 % in 1999. It is interesting to clear – is this U-shaped trend for 1973-1999 occasional, caused, for example, by human influence, or it is just part of more long-term natural oscillating process.

Bibliographical description: Mokry A. Long-term dynamics of diatom alga of lake Baikal phytoplankton / A. Mokry, G. Kobanova, E. Silow // 13th World Lake Conference. 2009.

Publication's type: статья

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