Research-Educational Center “Baikal“
LibraryPublicationTitle: Long-term dynamics of summer community of Baikal phytoplankton and climate change Author(s): IZMESTYEVA Lyubov, SILOW Eugene Annotation: There is well expressed positive trend of long-term dynamics of the chlorophyll a content in the Lake Baikal. In 1979–1990 period 100 % of values of chlorophyll a concentrations were below long-term average, while in 1991–2002 there were only 25% of values below average. The average interannual values for the average weighted concentrations of chlorophyll a in 0-50 m layer for the 1980s and the 1990s were significantly different: 0.690.07 and 1.290.10 mg m-3, consequently. The calculated weighted average chlorophyll a content according to the trend equation was 0.61 mg m-3 in 1979, and 1.54 mg m-3 in 2002, i.e. it has increased by the factor of 2.5. So, we can observe well expressed positive trends of long-term variability of chlorophyll a content coincident with long-term variability of water temperature. The connection between chlorophyll a content and water temperature during direct stratification is described by the linear regression equation. The analysis of the summer complex of the alga species formed mainly by three dominant alga species demonstrates the following. Chrysochromulina parva Lackey demonstrates no statistically significant trend of long-term fluctuations. The number of this species is fluctuating interannually, though remains within the limits of long-term average. Rhodomonas pusilla (Bachm.) Javor. shows statistically significant positive trend for August, but there are also tendencies for increase for July and September. Monoraphidium pseudomirabile (Korschik.) Hindak et Zagorenko - statistically significant positive trend is discovered for July, the tendency of the number increase is noticeable for September also. Bibliographical description: Izmestyeva L. Long-term dynamics of summer community of Baikal phytoplankton and climate change / L. Izmestyeva, E. Silow // 13th World Lake Conference. 2009. Publication's type: статья Upload Izmestyeva_Silow_2009.doc (0.14 Mb) |
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