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«Research and Education Center «Baikal» – development strategy»

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Research-Educational Center Baikal

Projects Library Seminars, conferences

Research and educational projects

Mesoscale models of hydrothermal processes and anthropogenic admixture transferring in atmosphere and hydrosphere

Subject aim – to research regularity of the following natural phenomena based on mathematical modeling in a system of “Baikal –atmosphere”:
  • mesometeorological processes,
  • admixture transportation in atmosphere boundary layer,
  • admixture precipitation on underlying surface,
  • admixture flows and transportation in the lake,
  • contaminant flows and transportation in the rivers of Baikal basin
Models are developed on the most full geophysical hydrodynamic equation basis (non-hydrostatic character, compressibility and all constituents of Coriolis force calculation), admixture transportation and diffusion taking into account gravitational velocity spectrum, dynamic equation of turbulence for compound relief land conditions and bottom using satellite information.
Student attraction to research work is fulfilled through writing term papers, thesis and research paper, grants. Students that study by individual plan treated in a special manner. There are special types of work fulfilled by students, such us collection, analysis and processing of on location data and making numerical experiment on computer.

Research results are supposed to be performed at different level conferences published in the press and used during lectures and special course practical training.

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